Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Road Ahead

As I browsed the templates for my new blog, I wanted to find something that really captured who I am as a person. I started with a dark template from the travel section, but realized it was too mysterious for my personality. Next I went to the airplane/cloud motif, which was nice, yet I needed something with a little more substance. Finally I came across the barren wasteland travel template and thought it was a perfect fit for me. 

Generally I'm a calm, reserved person; I need simplicity and minimalism in my life in order to stay sane and be level-headed, and I felt this layout was just that – plain and simple with no distractions, capturing the essence of my personality. 

I like how the picture has this sense of adventure and travel, implying that the ultimate destination is unknown. I'm an avid traveler, so I really loved this aspect of the template. This template struck a chord with me on a deeper level, though; I'm currently in this place of I-don't-really-know-what-I'm-doing-with-my-life and although I have a strong sense of the direction I want to go, I'm still not 100% sure if I'm headed the right way and I can't really see the final destination in sight. I have big dreams, and I plan on achieving them, but as a recent college graduate, I'm in this weird state of limbo where I'm just trying to figure out "the real world" and what exactly that even means. Even though I don't know where I'm headed, this template gave me a clear picture that I'm headed in the right direction because I have goals and I'm going to reach them. Although my ultimate destination may change, I will continue to stay focused on the road ahead and find my own path until I discover and reach my dreams. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I really like this template, Amy! As soon as I opened the page, I got a sense of openness and almost felt like I was flying, very cool!

