Sunday, September 8, 2013

Social Media: Personal vs. Business Use

It's hard to say which social media platforms are better for personal use or for business use. I think sites like Facebook and Twitter are great for businesses because they allow you to interact with your clients easily and deliver information quickly and efficiently. Also, email marketing is a good way to give customers information in a more direct way, whereas with Facebook and Twitter, the customer may or may not see your post in their feed.

Tumblr and Instagram are better for personal use because each post typically pertains to one's life experiences and thoughts. Also, LinkedIn, although used for business purposes, is for personal use because people use it to grow professionally within their career.

I think it all depends on what type of business you have and if you are offering a product or service because some social media websites will be more beneficial depending on what you provide for the customer.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Road Ahead

As I browsed the templates for my new blog, I wanted to find something that really captured who I am as a person. I started with a dark template from the travel section, but realized it was too mysterious for my personality. Next I went to the airplane/cloud motif, which was nice, yet I needed something with a little more substance. Finally I came across the barren wasteland travel template and thought it was a perfect fit for me. 

Generally I'm a calm, reserved person; I need simplicity and minimalism in my life in order to stay sane and be level-headed, and I felt this layout was just that – plain and simple with no distractions, capturing the essence of my personality. 

I like how the picture has this sense of adventure and travel, implying that the ultimate destination is unknown. I'm an avid traveler, so I really loved this aspect of the template. This template struck a chord with me on a deeper level, though; I'm currently in this place of I-don't-really-know-what-I'm-doing-with-my-life and although I have a strong sense of the direction I want to go, I'm still not 100% sure if I'm headed the right way and I can't really see the final destination in sight. I have big dreams, and I plan on achieving them, but as a recent college graduate, I'm in this weird state of limbo where I'm just trying to figure out "the real world" and what exactly that even means. Even though I don't know where I'm headed, this template gave me a clear picture that I'm headed in the right direction because I have goals and I'm going to reach them. Although my ultimate destination may change, I will continue to stay focused on the road ahead and find my own path until I discover and reach my dreams.